Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How To Choose The Right Blog Topic by Yaro Starak

I am definitely serious about blogging lately and to prove that,
I've purchased my first two dot coms this week.

For a kickstart, I am blessed to have chance upon Yaro Starak's blogging article tips.

If you're a newbie or still lost at blogging, this article will surely give you a direction.

Read on and more power!

Your blogging journey begins with topic
selection, which happens to be one of
the hardest parts of building a successful

Don't make the mistake of choosing the
wrong topic...


By far the most common question I am asked from
someone new to blogging is -

"What topic should I write about?"

This is the first big decision and the first point
where everything can go wrong.

If you choose the wrong topic then you begin
walking down the wrong path and it might be months
before you even realize it and change direction.

Here's some common mistakes people make when
choosing a topic to write a blog about:

- Don't pick a subject just because you see
others make money writing about it

- Avoid writing about something you are passionate
about, but very few other people are

- Don't base a blog on a topic you know little
about or have minimal practical experience in

- Be careful not to write about too diverse a
range of subjects, your blog must have a focus


For people who have no idea what to blog about I
tell them to write down a list of their hobbies,
passions, experiences, education and skills in all
areas of life and then take that list and derive
blog topics.

In almost all cases it's easier to start a blog
from something you have an interest in, so I try
and steer people in that direction rather than get
too caught up in the potential to make money.

I honestly believe that if you have traffic you
can make money, and it's traffic that is hard to
generate. The money comes easily enough once the
traffic is in place, so it's better to seek
topics you have the most potential to build an
audience from.

For people who struggle to choose between a range
of ideas I suggest picking one and devoting a
serious amount of time to it. You have to really
"throw it against the wall and see if it sticks"
before you really know whether a blog topic will

Sometimes no amount of research, self reflection,
internal or external analysis will give you an
answer. Only the MARKET can give you a definite
result. You have to set a blog up and just start
writing and see what happens. You can always make
adjustments as you go along.

It's crucial to pick just ONE idea and not
attempt to start a blog about every topic you have
an interest in. If you spend your energy and time
across three blogs you will end up with three
average blogs. If you pour 100% of your effort
into just one blog, you give it the best chance of

At the end of a three month trial period of
focusing on just one blog you at least have a
conclusive outcome, whether successful or not.
There is no ambiguity about whether you worked
hard enough and you can honestly say you gave it
your best shot. You can continue with the blog if
it appears to be gaining traction or move on to a
different topic if it didn't.

At the end of three months of consistent blogging
you also have an ASSET. Even if your blog doesn't
have much traffic, it does have three months of
content in it, so worse comes to worst, you can
sell your blog and recoup a few hundred dollars
and then take your experience with you into your
next blog project.

There is no such thing as failure if you actually
put something out there and learn from the
experience and sometimes the only way to really
know whether a topic has potential is to test it
on a real live blog.


My friend Alborz began blogging by creating three
blogs on subjects he enjoyed and believed had
potential to become successful. He chose -

1. Cars
2. Going out in his hometown of Brisbane
3. Windows Vista (when it was in prelaunch)

He ended up writing one post a month to the Vista
blog, one post a week to the Brisbane blog and one
post a day to the car blog.

You won't have any problems guessing which blog
took off.

Yep, the car blog.

Alborz eventually dropped the other two blogs and
focused his energy on his one main blog, which
became a massive success (last I heard he was
making over $40,000 a month from it!).

All of the topics he chose had potential and he
had interest in, but only one came out on top
because of two reasons -

1. He found he was most passionate about cars,
so much so that he enjoyed writing one or more
articles per day to his blog

2. The car blog received the best response from
the market - he built an audience

Sometimes you can't make concrete decisions until
you actually test your topic ideas.

I suggest you narrow down your topic list and then
start writing. If you have no trouble producing
one new post a day, then do it for three months
and see whether people like your work.

No one can tell you what to blog about, it's up
to you to decide. Just don't stay suspended in
limbo due to decision-paralysis. Nothing will
feel 100% right until you actually start doing

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Third Google Check

So happy today. I received another Google check from my adsense earnings.
Google have never disappointed me so far. When they informed me that they're gona send out the check on 31st of May, they did!

Google can really be trusted!

Tonight when I checked my mailbox, it was right there smiling at me. Hahah!

Thank you Google!


I just want you to know that internet has great opportunities in earning $$$. You click this and that and poof, someone, somewhere is turning into a millionaire.

It's not easy. But it's not tough either. You just need to know how everything works in the world wide web, know your passion and just blog it.

Just so you know, patience will play a big part in this field.

Follow me and will be posting some of my little techniques that in some ways might add up to your knowledge.

Click subscribe now.

See you soon!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Top 10 Link Building Techniques

The Top 10 Link Building Techniques

Here are the top 10 link building techniques verified to work well in 2010, in no particular order.

1. Buying an exact-matched domain name.

Ok why am I starting off the list with something that doesn’t even involve link building? To highlight the effectiveness of it!

An exact-match domain means that if you want to rank for “jonathan leger rocks” then you should purchase If it’s taken, go for If that’s taken too, mess around with .net, .org etc (stay away from .info’s).

There are many, many keywords that you can rank for just by grabbing the exact domain name. That’s the whole concept behind the ‘Google Sniper’ phenomenon. You’ve probably heard of it, it’s been a Clickbank best seller for a long time now. The main idea behind that technique is ranking websites solely using the domain name’s SEO value, no link building whatsoever.

Keep in mind this won’t give you first-page rankings for difficult keywords, but for most easy pickins, it’ll land you a first page result like clockwork.

2. Creating free blogs on authority sites

This technique was made popular a couple years ago. Most people are already familiar with it. It basically involves creating blogs on sites like,, and

Since these websites have thousands (sometimes millions) of links coming to the domain, creating a blog on these sites means that your blog will have existing authority. Without much link building, it can be lingering on the first page of search results pretty quick.

Outbound links from these blogs are also worth quite a bit because of the high PR of the root domain.

As a matter of fact, many people don’t even buy their own domain, they simply create entire blogs on these sites and direct all their links to them! While this works well and gets you near instant rankings (for free without spending $6.99 on a domain!), because of the authority of the root domain, you risk the website deleting your blog if they ever feel moody.

3. Submitting videos to video directories

Most people think of Youtube when they want to chill out and watch something. But it can be a great link building resource! Just create a quick short video using something like and submit it to Youtube and the dozens of other high PR video directories out there!

You can place your link in the “video description” box whenever you submit the video. It’s also a good idea of you add a small watermark with the URL of your website somewhere in your video for direct traffic.

Sites like,, and automate the video submission process.

4. Social bookmarking your site

You’ve probably heard of and Those are the two most popular social bookmarking sites. Link building by submitting stories to these sites has been popular for a while, and it still works well!

The only problem is that many of these sites have made all outbound links “nofollow” and have enforced strict no-spam policy. But from my experience, the nofollow doesn’t mean that your link doesn’t count at all. And as long as you post up interesting content, that link will have value.

There is debate going on about how Google is factoring in data other than just the number of links and content to determine your rankings. If there’s one other indicator of your website’s importance, it’s your presence on these social communities.

5. Submitting your RSS feeds to RSS aggregators

This is a little-known technique that works wonders. RSS aggregators are sites like that re-publish the entire content of your RSS feed on their own site. So any links present in those RSS feeds show up on these RSS aggregators!

An example:

Notice how it appears that is linking to various pages on! There are lots of RSS aggregators out there and this one technique can get you hundreds of quick links!

6. Submitting your article to article directories

This one is not a secret to anyone so I’m not really going to elaborate on this much. Just submit an article about your topic to sites like and put your links in the “author bio box” at the bottom and you’ll get a quick link, plus the articles themselves rank well on the first page of Google a lot of the time!

7. Creating profile pages on web 2.0 sites and forums

This is what Angela Edwards and Paul Johnson are popular for at the Warriorforum. Most web 2.0 sites where you have to create an account to post stuff, give you a page of your own on the site that you can customize with stuff about yourself like your hobbies, interests etc.

But you can also put your links in there! There are hundreds of thousands such sites! As a matter of fact, almost every forum allows you to do the same!

An example of such a page:

8. Using link networks

The sites 3WayLinks, and SEO Link Vine should be no secret to any of you. These are link networks where members link to each other’s websites through articles, link pages and blog posts.

This is great for link diversity, and taking part in these link networks alone can land you first page rankings for many keywords, but if you’re serious about SEO, you really shouldn’t rely on one method alone.

Not leveraging the authority of high PR existing sites using the tricks I’ve mentioned above is a mistake. If you’re not doing it, your competition probably is, and they’ll outrank you.

Make sure the link network that you take part in doesn’t involve direct 1-to-1 reciprocal linking. So if website A is linking to website B, website B should NOT be linking to website A.

Google picked up on this type of reciprocal linking a long time ago and can even penalize your website if it’s done in excess.

3Waylinks and SEO Link Vine are all free from reciprocal linking though.

9. Buying old domains

This is a short-cut that few people use. Why do all the link building from scratch when you can buy an existing domain that already has thousands of links to it and simply put your own content on it?

Well lots of reasons: you might not be able to find a high PR domain in your own niche, you might want to take advantage of the SEO value of a properly-chosen domain name, or the links built to the site might not be with the correct anchor text for the term you’re targeting.

But if you look around at, chances are you’ll find a great domain in your niche with a PR2-PR4 that you can snag for less than $30.

Experiments have shown that if you buy an old domain, transfer it to your own host (keep the registrar the same) and keep the title of the website the same, it will keep its PageRank!

This can save you a lot of time building up the links yourself, but I personally simply use these domains to juice up my money sites with high PR links. I don’t try to rank these websites themselves because you’re limited as to the domain choice, the anchor text of the old links and the website title.

10. Automate everything using SEnuke!

Almost all of the link-building techniques that I have mentioned above can be automated using SEnuke. Chances are that you’ve probably heard of it, there’s not a single IM forum online where it’s not being discussed.

It’s a little expensive but if you’re making some money already it’s well worth it.

It takes 2-3 hours to do what would take you a whole week to do yourself. Auto-pilot account creation on hundreds of web 2.0 sites, automatic blog creation on blog hosts like blogger, automatic video submission, social bookmarking, profile page creation, RSS aggregator submission, niche research, and I we’re even adding a press release module.

Everything is automated: even the links that you have to click in the email verification and the captcha-solving. It supports spinner syntax (with TheBestSpinner integrated!) and allows you to create complex link networks using special commands.

The software is being updated every week with new sites, new modules and new features. Every time Google or one of the websites makes a change, they change the software to suit.

If you’re not using it, chances are your competitors are. Reading their success stories section will give you a good idea of the power of this software: SENuke SEO Software

(this entire article is a copy/paste from an email I got from Jon Leger where he summarized a webinar he did with Areeb, co-owner of SEnuke)

(This entire article is a copy/paste from an email I got from Jon Leger where he summarized a webinar he did with Areeb, co-owner of SEnuke. I changed a few of the links. I thought it was pretty good, so why not share for others to see).

Blogging To The Bank 2010 - Ways To Make Money From Home

Blogging to the bank is here to rock your pockets in 2011 again!
I was too blessed to have this ebook--> Blogging To The Bank because it
really helped me jumpstart my business online.
Just to prove and brag you one of my earnings because of it.
Just this July, I got an iPad using my Blogging To The Bank earnings.

I am not a professional blogger but Rob really gona tell you how to do it
the right way.

here's a video I came across in youtube sharing Rob Benwells' humble beginnings.

Rob did it.

I did it.

So why can't you??